How to Apply Kanban to Agile or Hybrid Environments

Trying to estimate bugs doesn’t work, and hopping on new bug changes the whole sprint. On the other hand, with Kanban, it is natural to work on the most critical task, one or two at a time. Everyday priorities can change, but don’t try to plan anything long term. The question then comes to what agile framework to choose from. Everyone is used to having stand-ups, grooming, planning, and probably the least popular retrospectives in the past. It is more common to do those meetings just because it is written in the book than for practical purposes.

  • Instead, it uses the Kanban pull system, where teams pull work only when there is a demand for it and they have the ability to handle that demand.
  • Despite challenges like establishing practices and transitioning, Scrumban fosters collaboration, autonomy, and continuous improvement.
  • It is best-suited for experienced, motivated teams, as it empowers them to organize their work and evaluate progress and problems.
  • It emphasizes visualizing work, limiting work in progress, and prioritizing tasks based on business value and customer needs.

The number depends on the team’s velocity and the time needed to complete the next iteration. Additionally, you can also implement 15 minute standup sessions as you’d implement in Scrum for daily check-ins. Do you want to use Scrumban for your project but aren’t sure how it works? Or do you want to explore different project management methods?

Hybrid: Agifall or WAgile

With end of support for our Server products fast approaching, create a winning plan for your Cloud migration with the Atlassian Migration Program. The Scrum Master’s job will need to change slightly from focusing on removing impediments to also managing the work-flow. They need to monitor inefficiencies in inventory as it flows through the work queue. Conduct User Story Estimation as a separate session from Sprint Planning. It helps keep your Sprint Planning session on track by eliminating distractions.

Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban, and Shape Up are the most common Agile frameworks. You’d still find alternatives like eXtreme Programming, LeSS, Spotify Model, etc., but they are less common. The options can be overwhelming, and the noise can be distracting. Knowing which will help you with your particular challenges is hard, and it’s a choice you have to make. If you’re still wondering about Waterfall versus Agile, you could always combine principles of both and use a hybrid model.

Kanban vs. Scrum: What’s the difference in 2023?

When everyone participates in daily stand-up meetings, your development team can better prioritize each task because they know their team members’ workload. Because there’s no designated leader in the Scrumban method, team members can rotate who leads daily stand-up meetings. One key benefit of Scrumban is the ability to plan and change your workflow at any time during the process. For example, if the team feels like there are too many cards on the board at one time, they can easily choose to pause pulling tasks in until more cards move into the “Done” category.

As a general rule of thumb, if your team or organization is really stuck and needs a big change, Scrum may be more appropriate. If you already have a process in place that you’re happy with, but want to implement some small changes, Kanban might be a better choice. While a Scrum board and Kanban board can look similar visually, they are based on very different principles.


Using both time-based sprints and visual workflows, your team should know what you expect from them at every moment and have the tools to collaborate well. The Kanban process is usually managed using Kanban boards, which are a visual representation of how tasks move through your workflow from start kanban scrum hybrid to finish. While Scrum breaks projects down based on time (one- to four-week sprints), Kanban breaks projects down based on the workflow. For example, in Kanban, you might break down your typical blog post-production workflow into ideation, outlining, drafting, revisions, and publishing.

kanban scrum hybrid

There are pros and cons of every project management methodology. Here are some facets of Scrumban to help you decide if this methodology will work for your team. With Jira’s dedicated project types for scrum and kanban, you can realize the principles of each framework.

Effectively Managing and Utilizing Multiple Teams

At the end of each Sprint, the team and the product owner meet at the Sprint Review. During this informal meeting, the team shows the work completed and answers questions about the product increment. All participants collaborate on what to do next to increase the product’s value. The Sprint Review is a four-hour timeboxed meeting for one-month Sprints.

kanban scrum hybrid

Work items are planned for each sprint in the form of user stories and tasks, which are prioritized based on value. Teams are small, cross-functional, and self-organizing, with a product owner, a ScrumMaster, and the development team. To officially launch the sprint, the Scrum master facilitates a sprint planning meeting with the Scrum team and the product owner.

Scrum Ceremonies

Kanban, for instance, works well after the main release of the product and suits update and maintenance purposes. The latest research by the Scrum Alliance suggests that Scrum goes beyond IT. In 2016, the majority of State of Scrum Report respondents (98 percent) said they were going to use this framework to move forward.

I’ve never seen a purist application of any Agile framework, which is fine, but one must understand what’s part of the framework and what’s not. I didn’t aim to prove anything with this poll; I only wanted to know which frameworks people in my network use. I was quite surprised by seeing Scrum with such a vast difference because I currently see many people complaining that it isn’t helpful and is too rigid for them. I expected to see Kanban or Scrumban coming even closer, but that wasn’t what the poll showed.

When to use Scrumban

Because you will be using it as your primary workflow tool, add as many columns to your Scrumban board as your team needs to mark each discrete phase of progress. But be careful not to create so many columns that the board becomes cluttered and difficult to view. Regardless of what you choose, stick with it for a little while. Take some work from the backlog all the way to done and then ask your team what went well and what went poorly.

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