How To Write a Follow-Up Email After Applying for a Job

The email you send or voicemail you leave are excellent, real-world examples of your written and verbal communication skills. How to follow up with a hiring manager on a job application. It allows you to restate your interest in the position and highlight a particular skill or experience that you can bring to the table.

However, if you happen to reach a person, you’ll want to take advantage of the opportunity without being pushy. I submitted my resume last for the position, which I believe reports to you. Since sending my resume, I completed which I believe would help me make an immediate impact in this role. I’m writing to follow up on the resume I sent last for the position. Do that and you’ll have a much clearer idea of what’s happening behind the scenes while you’re compulsively refreshing your inbox. Not only does that give you greater peace of mind, but it can also help to inform your decisions about when to check in—and when to just stay patient.

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If you have connections at the company, reach out to them. Hiring managers receive dozens, if not hundreds, of applications for each open position, so you shouldn’t be surprised if they don’t have time to respond to every single one. It’s best to wait 24 hours when following up after an interview.

how to call and follow up on a job application

Mentioning your mutual connection in your follow-up communication can help establish a personal connection and potentially give you an edge. Go to the company’s page and select “see all employees on LinkedIn.” From here you can also see if you have any connections that already work at the company. It can be extremely helpful to follow up on your job application. Knowing how to follow up on a job application can increase your chances of getting hired. If there was anything you wish you had mentioned during the interview but didn’t, take this opportunity to share it with the person who interviewed you. This email is another opportunity to make a good first impression on the employer.

Write a follow-up email directly to the hiring manager

This not only demonstrates your proactive nature but also helps you manage your job search expectations and plan accordingly. In some scenarios, the job listing might state that applicants not call or email for their status. If that’s the case, you should abide by the employer’s wishes and refrain from reaching out. Although it can be frustrating to wait it out, you shouldn’t follow up—even though you really want to. If you ignore the request, the recruiter will think you either did not read the job listing carefully or that you don’t follow directions well. Like it or not, recruiters and hiring managers are busy people.

At the least, it reminds the interviewer of your candidacy. At best, it can help you secure a second interview or even a job offer. If you send your message and do not hear back after a week or so, you can try contacting the employer again. Rather than sending multiple email messages, if you can locate a contact person and phone number, you may want to try to follow up with a phone call. While this is a bit more informal, the intent of your message is the same as if you sent an email or made a phone call.

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Simply move on and accept the fact that they don’t want you at that point. Continuously sending a follow up email to the hiring manager will not put you in the company’s good books. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to following up on a job application. You can tailor your follow-up strategy to your preferences and the specific company by using various avenues. Yes, it can be beneficial to follow up on a job application, as it demonstrates continued interest in the position and shows proactive engagement with the hiring process.

  • In this case, it’s perfectly acceptable and even encouraged, to follow up with the employer.However, don’t reach out too soon and don’t behave like it is the only job offer in the world.
  • Before making your follow-up call, gather the correct contact information such as the phone number of the hiring manager.
  • Yes, filling the open role that you’re interested in is somewhere on their to-do lists—but, so are many other, far more time-pressing things.
  • Looking for inspiration to write a strong resume objective?
  • Calling will help avoid your application from getting lost in the pile of applicants.
  • If you haven’t heard back yet about a job you’ve applied for, don’t take it personally — the reasons could have nothing to do with you.

A proactive approach to your job search will increase your chances of finding the right opportunity and help you maintain momentum during the application process. Once you find that right opportunity, check out our tips on accepting a job offer. When it comes to following up on a job application, timing is essential.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Making a Follow-Up Call After an Interview

You don’t have to read it word-for-word (in fact, it sounds more natural if you don’t!), but having a script in front of you will help to jog your memory if you get lost. In the age of email and TikTok, talking on the phone is something of a lost art form. So, if you find yourself struggling to remember basic phone etiquette, know you’re not alone. Lots of people get nervous talking on the phone, especially when a job is at stake.

Usually, there’s a reason why it can take a little while to hear back from a company. There’s a lot of moving pieces in the hiring process and open roles change quickly. Recruiters usually won’t follow up immediately so that their company doesn’t seem desperate. If a candidate isn’t a fit, some recruiters find it rude to rapidly reject their applications. Simply send an email to the hiring manager or recruiter and express your interest in the position. You can ask about the status of your application and if there are any other steps you could take to help your chances of being hired.

Don’t Phone It in on Your Job Search

Following up is an expected part of the application process, so be proactive about getting the job you want! For example, if you want work flexibility, there are many work-from-home jobs and part-time, remote jobs that need candidates like you. If you’re feeling particularly bold and want to do something that nobody else in the hiring process is doing, you can also use a phone call to follow up about a recently submitted resume.

You want to call at a time that is convenient for the manager to show you understand the business and know their time is valuable.Non-peak hours are between 2-4 p.m. The right ways to follow up on a job interview will help paint you in a positive and professional light. But there are also wrong ways to follow up that could cost you the job. You may think reaching out before the deadline shows how interested you are in the position. However, it can also demonstrate a lack of soft skills, like being a good listener, paying attention to details, and following instructions. So, as hard as it might be, resist the urge to reach out too soon.

Sample Follow-Up Email After Job Application #3 (Sharing New Info):

If you’ve already followed up with an employer via phone, we don’t recommend overwhelming them with repeated phone calls. Instead, consider waiting another week and following up through email or LinkedIn. But a phone call puts you in direct contact with a hiring manager and shows that you’ve gone the extra mile to remind them that you’re ready and willing to start when they are. Speaking with someone over the phone is also more personable than an email and can give employers the sense that you’re genuine, earnest, and driven. Waiting to hear back from a hiring manager can be nerve-wracking, especially if you’re really excited about the position or just need a new job. If you haven’t heard back from the employer after a reasonable amount of time, it’s appropriate to send another follow-up message.

What to say when you call to follow up on a job application?

I'm following up on the application I submitted on [date] for [position]. I wanted to reiterate my interest in the role and tell you I'm more than happy to clarify or expand on any of the info I sent. If you'd like to call me back, my number is __________. Thank you so much for your time, and have a great day!

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