TeamCity Memory Monitor TeamCity On-Premises Documentation

This section provides a number of indicators helping you to detect and address issues with the TeamCity server performance. This section displays the data provided by the TeamCity Memory Monitor, which regularly checks available memory and submits a warning if the memory consumption grows too high. You turn to the event stream and find that a large number of failed build events are coming from a single Kubernetes cluster. From there, you select the Checkout Service Build, which brings you to the CI Visibility page. Here you can drill into a flame graph visualization of the build and find a job that is returning an error. Then, you can select the Errors tab to dive into the error message, which will likely give you some insight into the issue—for example, that the job is erroring out because of a typo in a recent code deployment.

teamcity monitoring

When you want to delete personal data of a specific user, the best way to do it is to delete the user in TeamCity. This way all the references to the user will continue to store the numeric user id, while all the other user information will not be stored anymore. Note that Audit records will mention internal numeric user id after the user deletion.

Install Non-Bundled Version of Java

Please see Mapping External Links in Comments for configuration instructions. If a user removes an image from a profile, a warning is displayed that the instances already started by TeamCity will not be automatically stopped. TeamCity will warn you if the server currently uses the internal database. The WebSocket protocol is used to get web UI updated for events, running builds updates and statistics counters. To remove an item from display, use the hide option next to an item on the report page. For global items, this option is available in every server health message.

teamcity monitoring

Simply put, the larger the number of unprocessed messages in the buffer, the bigger the disconnect between the state of a build on an agent and the state of the build in TeamCity. In extreme cases, the build log can show data for the events that actually happened half an hour ago. We’re using the max() function for the number of started and finished builds. This is because every TeamCity node reports the same number for these metrics. Also note that both metrics are multiplied by 60 to provide measurements per minute. Also, instead of disabling known hosts checks, make sure to maintain an .ssh/known_hosts file on the server and build agents for every host you are connecting to.

Disabling Service Messages Processing

If the default agent-side checkout is not possible, TeamCity will display a corresponding health report item and will use the server-side checkout. The build script can be tuned to print less output if this inspection fails frequently for some build configuration. If Tomcat is configured to use the BIO connector, the WebSocket protocol is automatically disabled. It is recommended to change the Tomcat Connector settings to use the NIO connector. If this is a planned inactivity (a restart or upgrade), you can ignore this message — it will disappear once the main node is active again.

teamcity monitoring

If the tool has launchers for any of the supported build scripting engines like Ant, Maven or MSBuild, then you can use corresponding runner in TeamCity to start the tool. See also Use an External Tool that My Build Relies on for the recommendations on how to run an external tool. The number of required build agents depends on the server usage pattern, type of builds, team size, commitment of the team to CI process, and so on. In general, the best way is to start with three agents and see how they handle the projects on your server, and then make estimations for the future. TeamCity offers plenty of flexibility regarding pricing as an automation tool. Startup companies can get a 50% discount on the CI/CD software, provided they meet JetBrains’ Startup Discount Plan requirements.

Don’t put sensitive data into artifacts

The config/_trash directory is not cleaned automatically and can be emptied manually if you are sure you do not need the deleted projects. CircleCI is a TeamCity alternative that is also very easy to set up and use with cloud or on-premise hosting options. The build automation tool boasts 70% more speed than competitors, so if you have your eyes on that department, give CircleCI a look. It has a free plan, and its Performance plan starts at $15 per month for five users. JetBrains’ TeamCity gives developers reporting and insights on the fly, so they do not have to wait until a build is completed to uncover issues.

  • You’ll need to re-import database for them to be placed in separate files.
  • In a multi-node setup, it is possible to assign more than one node to process triggers.
  • See also information on configuring memory settings for the TeamCity server.
  • For configuring clients to access TeamCity server via HTTPS while using self-signed certificate, check the related instructions.
  • It is easy to use, integrates well with top developer tools and has real-time reporting.
  • In order to use it you should replace PROMETHEUS-ID with your own prometheus datasource in the Grafana connections.

Flow tracking is necessary, for example, to distinguish separate processes running in parallel. The identifier is a string that must be unique in the scope of an individual build. Is reported when memory cleaning takes more than 50% of CPU resources on average. It usually means really serious problems with memory resulting in high performance degradation. For advanced integration, a custom plugin will be necessary to store and present the data as required. See Developing TeamCity Plugins for more information on plugin development.

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